New TENNANT BioModulatorsĀ®!

Pre-Order Feb 19th. Ships in April.

Dr. Tennant has updated the TENNANT BioModulatorĀ® frequencies for the first time in 20 years!


   TENNANT BioModulatorĀ® Pro Elite
   TENNANT BioTransducer Pro II

   TENNANT BioModulatorĀ® Plus Advantage
   TENNANT BioTransducerĀ® Pro II

*Additional discounts available for current device owners and trade-ins.
**Financing Available.

Explore BioModulatorsExplore BioTransducersSchedule Free Device Discussion

Dr. Jerald L. Tennant

University of Texas & Harvard MD, MD(H), PScD

"In my 60 years of practice, Iā€™ve learned that patients consistently want two things: to optimize their energy and to live pain-free. To address these needs, I created the TENNANT BioModulatorĀ® and TENNANT BioTransducerĀ®. Together, these innovative devices empower patients to boost their energy levels, effectively manage pain and achieve optimal health. For the best results, I recommend using both devices to achieve a healthier, more vibrant life."

Coming April 2025!
TENNANT BioModulatorĀ® Plus
 Advantage and Pro Elite

FDA cleared and accepted hand-held medical devices for drug-free pain treatment and energy support.

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Natural and Effective Pain Relief that Lasts

Pre-Order Feb 19th. Ships in April. 

There are two device models:

TENNANT BioModulatorĀ® Plus Advantage
: 7 modes for in-home personal use 

TENNANT BioModulatorĀ®
 Pro Elite: All the Plus Advantage modes and 7 more for healthcare practitioners or users wanting professional-level capabilities

Both models are advanced microcurrent technoglogy and are Class II medical devices, requiring a prescription to purchase.

Proper usage of the device can promote:

ā€¢ Relief from acute and traumatic pain
ā€¢ Reduced inflammation
ā€¢ Increased energy
ā€¢ Rebooting of the nervous system (vagus nerve)


How They Work

The TENNANT BioModulatorsĀ® use microcurrent, bimodular waveforms and biofeedback.

The microcurrent provides a gentle enough affect that it is stimulating to the tissue, encouraging healing activation.

The Tennant bimodular waveforms mean that the TENNANT BioModulatorā€™sĀ® output is similar to our own endogenous nerve impulses. The electrical impulses have a unique wave form that is almost identical to the bodyā€™s own neural impulses.

In specific treatment modes, biofeedback will indicate if the area treated is still receptive or in need of therapy from the device.

The design of the new TENNANT BioModulatorĀ® Plus Advantage and Pro Elite is vastly superior to other electrotherapy in devices like Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, better known as a TENS device, in that:

1. TENS devices are defined by a stronger fixed output, which isn't alway best. The TENS impulse is technically a biphasic square wave and is a much stronger signal that the body eventually stops listening to the signal. After temporarily working, the body will adjust to the TENS consistent output, and efficacy of the therapy drastically drops.

2. TENS stimulates shallow fibers. In contrast, the TENNANT BioModulatorĀ® Plus Advantage and Pro Elite devices have far superior amplitude, so they stimulate C-fibers, which make up about 85% of all nerves in the body. The C-fibers are responsible for the production of neuropeptides and other regulatory peptides which are responsible for the healing processes.

3. TENS has no biofeedback capabilities.

In summary, the TENS device provides pain relief by sending a signal that the body eventually ignores. In contrast, the TENNANT BioModulatorĀ® Pro Advantage and Plus Elite stimulate the body to provide actual healing action and pain relief.

TENS waveforms are fixed: 
Body desensitizes, reducing efficacy over time

New to 2025: 
BioModulatorĀ® waveforms are similar to neural impulses  


TENNANT BioTransducerĀ® Pro II 
Now Available!

4th Generation, Patented Health and Wellness Device


Reset & Rebalance the Energy in the Body

ā€¢ Increased energy
ā€¢ Pain management
ā€¢ Inflammation reduction
ā€¢ Healing

How does it work? 

The body is chemical, light and electrical in nature. Drug interventions target the chemical nature of the body. In contrast, the TENNANT BioTransducerĀ® targets the bodyā€™s electric system. While other health-oriented devices utilize electro-mechanical energy, such a micro-current, the TENNANT BioTransducerĀ® utilizes scalar energy to help support the bodyā€™s natural energy management. It works when the patient shines BioTransducerĀ® scalar energy at the body.

Now Wireless!
Early uses of the BioTransducer@ were physically connected to a TENNANT BioModulatorĀ® with a connecting cable. But after testing the BioTransducerĀ® as a stand-alone device in his practice for two decades, Dr. Tennant noted many patients experienced reduced pain using only the BioTransducerĀ®. If the patient had acute pain, then using the TENNANT BioModulatorĀ® was necessary.

Increase Energy Levels
Many users report feeling an increase in energy levels and a greater sense of vitality. This energy boost is believed to result from the harmonizing effects of scalar energy on the body's energy systems.

Inflammation Reduction & Healing
The TENNANT BioTransducerĀ® promotes cellular balance, mitigates mitochondrial dysfunction, and optimizes the functioning of our body's cells. It is believed scalar supports energy at the cellular level, thereby supporting the body's natural processes and promoting overall vitality and healing.

660nm Redlight
The TENNANT BioTransducerĀ® Pro II has a 660nm red light. This specific wavelength is important as the industry standard. The 660nm has been proven to reduce inflammation, stimulate ATP production, and support bone growth.

Boost Results with Both Devices
When used with the TENNANT BioModulatorĀ®, the TENNANT BioTransducerĀ® Pro II will supercharge the BioModulatorā€™sĀ® function, especially for pain and energy therapy.

Comparing Previous Generations of
 Tennant BioModulators

How 20 years of Development and
Experience Informed the 2025

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2005: Tennant BioModulatorĀ® Plus

This version of the Tennant BioModulator was targeted at individuals wanting basic pain remediation.

Very effective for its time, but no updates since 2005.

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Tennant BioModulatorĀ® Pro

Manufactured by a company called Avazzia (like the Plus), the Pro targeted health care professionals treating patients.

Effective for its time, but assess mode not as effective as thought. Frequencies not updated since 2005.

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New: Tennant BioModulator Plus and Pro Devices

Shipping in April 2025, the BioModulators have been brought into 2025. Dr. Tennant removed everything that didn't work properly; updated a few of the popular frequencies; and added new modalities which you're going to love. They are easier to use than before, and the Pro adds 7 practioner-focused frequencies for pain managment.

Comparing Previous Generations of
TENNANT BioTransducersĀ®


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TENNANT Crystal WaveĀ®

Originally the Tennant Collins device, then upgraded to the Crystal Wave, Dr. Tennant's device was a pioneering way to generate scalar energy at the time.

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TENNANT BioTranducerĀ® Pro

Not the most beautiful form factor design, the Pro offered increased scalar output, as well as connectivity to Dr. Tennant's BioModulatorsĀ®


More power and new look for TENNANT BioTranducerĀ® Pro

Upgraded scalar output, in a sleek carbon-fiber case. Offered connectivity to TENNANT BioModulatorsĀ®


TENNANT BioTransducerĀ® Pro II

Launched in late 2024, the series II introduced 2 sources of scalar energy and is now a stand-alone device, with more power and faster results.




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Who is Dr. Jerry Tennant?

Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), PScD is a world-renowned physician, international author, and integrative health practitioner. He is U of Texas and Harvard-trained ophthalmologist, founder of The Tennant Institute for Integrative Medicine, and was named one of Top 20 Alternative Doctors in America.

Dr. Tennant has created and developed numerous medical devices over his 60 years as a practicing physician and holds over 13 patents for medical devices including intraocular lenses and surgical instruments. 

He has been a pioneer for integrative medicine for more than 30 years, championing a more holistic approach to the practice of medicine today.

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"Tennant Products" Replaces Senergy Wellness Group as Dr. Tennant's Authorized Distributor.

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